Riga United Arbitration Court

Elizabetes str. 85A-19B, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Phone: +371 67 165 608
GSM +371 29 153 686
Fax: +371 67 161 393
E-mail: info@arbitri.lv


Normunds Čižiks

Lawyer in private Company

xamination of disputes on financial and insurance matters

Baiba Grase

Attorney at law

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.),

examination of disputes on financial and insurance matters

Madara Ķirse

Attorney at law

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Ilze Čižika

Lawyer in private Company

examination of disputes on financial and insurance matters

Zigurds Aumeisters

Attorney at law

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Indra Dogādova

Attorney at law

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Sintija Dāve

Administrator of insovency proceeding

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Sandris Strazdiņš

Lawyer in private Company

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Rūolfs Varkals

Lawyer in private Company

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)

Inga Kuzņecova

Lawyer in private Company

examination of disputes on financial and insurance matters

Dinija Šēnere

Lawyer in office of sworn attorneys

examination of commercial disputes (supply, purchase, sale, etc.)